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SocioTechnical Reflections and Four Key Issues for MOOCS

Introduction In a recent essay titled Innovating Education with MOOC/FLIP, Princeton University professor Mung Chiang thoughtfully discusses Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) and some related innovations that are presenting educators with dilemmas and bringing to the surface pressures for possible

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Do Not Fold Spindle or Mutilate: The Campaign for High Quality Discussions about Educational Data (A Response to Iorio and Adler)

Jeanne Marie Iorio & Susan Matoba Adler’s (2013) commentary “Take a Number, Stand in Line, Better Yet, Be a Number Get Tracked: The Assault of Longitudinal Data Systems on Teaching and Learning” takes aim at a number of issues, including

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New Book from Teachers College Press

“Phil Piety’s book employs insights from the learning sciences to illuminate policies and practices for using information to improve American education. His analyses reveal deeply-held convictions by educators concerning uses of data and why some of the test-based policies of

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What is the Classical Model of Teaching and is it the Best?

This is an extract from one of the chapters of my upcoming book titled: The Educational Data Movement: Crossing Boundaries, Searching for Student Success. One of the greatest challenges of our time—of research, of school leadership, and now of measurement—is

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Data, Decision, or Information Science for Education? — These are SOME of the Questions

In recent months there has been increasing attention to the need for education technologists who can focus on the many large and not so large datasets that are proliferating in education. Some have called for exploration into the educational data

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Why Should Educational Researchers Pay Attention to the Data Movement?

Why should regular educational researchers, those working with science or social studies or emerging literacy pay attention to the changes in education around data. I can think of three reasons.

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What Contribution does “The Fight Club” Make to Progress in Education?

On May 17, 2012, political science professor Patrick McGuinn posted a paper titled: Fight Club Are advocacy organizations changing the politics of education? where he discussed a network of education reform advocacy organizations (ERAOs) that regularly meet to plan strategy

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What is a Data Governance Plan and Why is it Needed?

Data can be powerful. It provides analysts and businesses with insights into patterns and behaviors that mere intuition rarely can. It holds tremendous potential for education as well. At the same time, data can have personal and private information. The

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Why Does The Educational Data Movement Mention Specific People and Organizations?

The book The Educational Data Movement: Crossing Boundaries, Searching for Student Success mentions many individuals and organizations by name  and often discusses connections between them.  Some of these individuals and organizations are associated with philanthropies and some are part of

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Can Education Data Reforms Learn from Business Experience with IT?

The past decade has seen increasing use of data collection and use in education along with principles from business for its use. The data were initially driven by high-stakes test scores following federal NCLB legislation and related programs around evidence.

Posted in Big ideas & theories, Information infrastructure, Signs of the times, Uncategorized